missing u
Thursday, November 3, 2011 • 8:45 AM • 0 comments ![]()
aRissa rindu lr dkt koRng smua yg p'nh tusyen dkt PBB2..huhu..
Rse mcm nk pegi plk kt tusyen tue thun dpn..
tp,, law aRissa pindh sklh,, & aRissa t'pksa duk dkt asRama,,
hasRt nk pegi tusyen tue,, x menjd larr nmpk nyer..
apa2 p0wn aRissa b'syukuR sngt dpt kenal koRng smua,,
tp ann,, aRissa Rase ada buat slh rr kt soRng nie,,
nk mintk maaf pown,, dh terlmbt..
err~~kwn aRissa always advise tntng nie..
jngn caye smua tue.. err~~
apa2 p0wn,,
"t0 f0Rget s0meb0dy isn't p0ssible.
deep inside you remembeR everything.
u may not think of them f0R years at a time,
but u don't know how t0 f0Rget.
u can Recall the way they smiled when they were happy,
and the way their face showed no
expression when they couldn't find theiR way."
love,, |
date : 1/9/2015
at: 8.00 am
date : 10/2011
at: 10.37 am
date: 31/08
at: 10.15 am