#throwback (p1)
Wednesday, April 29, 2015 • 9:32 PM • 7 comments ![]()
Finally matriciannnnsss seluruh malaysia dah graduate as a matric's student!! tahniah2!! bab kata lecturer kmj "matrik memangla setahun, x terasa pun tp kesan dia lepas tingglmatric tu lg terasa" and seriously dr it is true,, kesan tinggl kmj tu lg terasa even belajar sana setahun je one year program,, masa ni la nak throwback2 bagai kan?? hehe..
Ni time hari last orientasi,, haha serious lawak muka masing2 nerd je and yeah praktikum kitorng actually ramai girls then boys, awl2 je ni then our practicum dah kena conquer ngn laki,, oh yeah lupa lak our fasi is abg aimi a.k.a. our senior..
First time masuk lab pakai lab coat ni la jadinya haha
Ni time bbq fasi second intake with senior,, serious best haha ada lak yang panggil kitorng fasi batch96 akak n abng haha ok terasa tua kat situ seriouly best,, spe yg masuk kmj try la join jd fasi utk second intake batch korng,, ada la jugak pengalamn kat matrik kn??
Laen kali arissa update lg life as a matriculation student,, x payah dengar ape yg orng cakap,, matrik susah la n bla bla bla,, bg arissa semua benda susah tanpa usaha and there's one quotes from senior "klu nak survive kat matric bukan dari intelligence but dr usaha korng sendiri,, spe x berusaha utk jd the top,, habis la dia melayang" klu korng rasa korng mampu masuk je la try dlu then klu korng dh rasa cm down k give up k,, always ingt pe yg korng nak dlu time korng masuk matrik..Lastly all the best for the new batch,, gud luck,, stay strong,, finish it,, stay calm and keep study even korng rasa tired sekalipun :)
date : 1/9/2015
at: 8.00 am
date : 10/2011
at: 10.37 am
date: 31/08
at: 10.15 am